
Meksikanac Nanofilm

Anti-radarske naljepnice Nanofilm Ecoslick™

Ultimativno rješenje protiv radara

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Recorded by

Emma Brown, United States Flag

Recorded by

Emily Johnson, United States Flag

Recorded by

John Doe, United States Flag

What does the nanofilm include?

  • When you order one nanofilm, you get a one-digit sticker. You can add the necessary symbols to the cart on website.

What happens if the nanofilm is scratched?

  • It is quite difficult to damage the Ecoslick® sticker because it is attached very firmly, forming an almost inseparable bond with the license plate. Even if there are scratches, it will be very difficult for the speed camera to determine which symbol is covered.

What happens to the nanofilm after washing?

  • Ecoslick nanofilm is not afraid of washing, any type of car wash. The film is almost impossible to tear off with water pressure. Therefore, be extremely careful and precise when gluing.

Is it necessary to put a film on the rear license plate of a car?

  • Depending on the terrain, speed cameras may be located in two directions and will record your car from both sides. We recommend gluing the film on both sides.

How is Ecoslick® nanofilm installed?

  • The sticker should be applied very carefully, since it will be impossible to change the position of the pasted film - it fits tightly to the surface of the number. You can see visual instructions on our set up page.

How many symbols are best covered with film?

  • The more symbols are hidden under the nanofilm, the less opportunities there are to decipher the number from the camera recording. It is recommended to cover all front and back license plates symbols.

How long will nanofilm last?

  • Ecoslick® film is designed for many years of use, since it is created from durable, wear-resistant materials designed to withstand difficult weather conditions, temperature changes and varying degrees of mechanical impact. The warranty period is 5 years.

What is the difference between an infrared flash and a camera flash?

  • Infrared light is highly focused rays that are invisible to the human eye and are different from the bright flash of a camera. It is in the infrared spectrum that automatic speed cameras operate. It is against this spectrum that Ecoslick® film acts.

What does the camera see when using nanofilm?

  • The camera only sees the illuminated area where the symbols are hidden under the Ecoslick® stickers, which blends into the white background. Accordingly, the digital system does not recognize the number and does not record it in the database of traffic violations. There is no one to give a fine!

Does nanofilm work during the day?

  • The infrared beams of speed cameras work both day and night.

Why should I buy your product?

  • Our Ecoslick® nanofilm is manufactured in Germany and is therefore reliable and effective. All numbers and symbols comply with the national standards of each country. On the market you can find offers with a suspiciously low price - accordingly, such a film will not protect you from the eyes of a traffic cop or simply will not fit the size of your license plate.

Step-by-step instructions

Materials Needed:

Alcohol wipes (included in kit)
Nanofilm Ecosllick stickers

Step 1: Clean the License Plate
Use the alcohol wipes provided in the kit to thoroughly clean the surface of the license plate.
Ensure the plate is free from dust, dirt, and grease.
Allow the surface to dry completely.

Step 2: Remove the Sticker from the Paper Backing
Carefully peel the antiradar sticker off its paper backing.
Avoid touching the adhesive side to prevent contamination.

Step 3: Apply the Sticker to the License Plate
Align the sticker with the license plate's desired position.
Gently press the sticker onto the plate, starting from one side and smoothing it out to avoid air bubbles.
Apply even pressure across the entire sticker to ensure a firm bond.

Step 4: Remove the Transparent Mounting Film
Slowly peel off the transparent mounting film from the top of the sticker.
Ensure the antiradar sticker remains securely attached to the license plate.

Important Tips:
Apply the sticker in a dry, dust-free environment.
Avoid washing the vehicle for 24 hours after application for optimal adhesion.

Collection: Meksikanac Nanofilm

Nanopremaz za registarske tablice

Automatski sistem za otkrivanje prekršaja na putu efikasno prepoznaje vozila. Nanošenje specijalne zaštitne folije na registarske tablice vrlo je popularno među auto-entuzijastima. Nanocoating ecoslick za registarske tablice je jedinstven način zaštite površine registarske tablice automobila od neželjenih fotografija i video zapisa. Primjenjuje se na cifre registrske tablice i omogućava sakrivanje broja od kamera za video nadzor.

Karakteristike i značajke nanopremaza

Poseban premaz prianja na prednju i stražnju stranu registrske tablice cifre, precizno replicirajući njihove konture. Njegova jedinstvenost leži u višeslojnoj strukturi, koja sprečava kamere da snime broj automobila, dok ostaju potpuno vidljive ljudskom oku. premaz sastoji se od sljedećih dijelova:
  • Osnova: pozadina crne boje.
  • Staklena prizma: omogućava registarskim tablicama da lome svjetlost, čineći da trenutno reflektiraju svjetlost.
  • Reflektivni polimerni sloj.
  • Filter svjetlosti: zadržava svjetlosni tok, uzrokujući da tamna pozadina svijetli, stapajući se sa svijetlom.
nanopremaz omogućava prikrivanje registrske tablice brojevi sa kamera. Neće biti prikazani, na njihovom mjestu će biti vidljivi samo blicevi. Detaljan proces proizvodnje filma uključuje nekoliko faza, od kojih se svaka pomno provjerava na kvalitet.
Princip je prilično jednostavan: svjetlosni tok udara u prizmu i odbija zrake. Filter prima svjetlosni tok i ne vraća ga. Kao rezultat, tok putuje unutra, osvjetljavajući crnu pozadinu, koja se spaja s bijelom pozadinom registarske tablice. Prije nanošenja filma potrebno je temeljno očistiti, obrisati i odmastiti registarske tablice automobila. Nijedna radarska kamera neće vidjeti pokrivene registarske tablice.

Prednosti nanopremaza

Zahvaljujući korištenju najsavremenijih proizvodnih tehnika i visokokvalitetnih sirovina, nanopremaz za registarske tablice ima dug vijek trajanja.Ostale prednosti uključuju:
  • Otpornost na različite vremenske uslove (snijeg, kiša, temperaturne fluktuacije).
  • Odsustvo deformacija tokom vremena.
  • Zaštita od blijeđenja.
  • Očuvanje vanjskog izgleda na duže vrijeme.
  • Pristupačna cijena.
  • Mogućnost samostalnog nanošenja i lakog uklanjanja filma.
  • Sposobnost da izdrži pranje automobila.
Film za nanopremazprilično je izdržljiv, a registrske tablice može se prati pod pritiskom, pa čak i uz upotrebu hemijskih sredstava. Zakonitost korištenja nanopremaza na registarskim tablicama je potvrđen. Brojevi automobila vidljivi su sa udaljenosti od 20 do 40 metara, što nije u suprotnosti sa Zakonom o upravnim prekršajima.

Gdje kupiti nanopremaz za registarske tablice po najboljoj cijeni?

Pristupačne cijene, odlična usluga i brza dostava ključne su prednosti naše online trgovine. Ne morate nigdje ići jer proizvode možete naručiti na web stranici sa dostavom po cijeloj Ukrajini. Dajemo garanciju kvaliteta za naše proizvode, jer radimo sa provjerenim evropskim i domaćim dobavljačima.
Samo kod nas možete kupiti originalni nanopremaz koji zadovoljava standarde ukrajinskih registarskih tablica. Iskusno osoblje je dobro upućeno u tehničke karakteristike svakog artikla i pružiće potrebne informacije. Zahvaljujući modernoj logistici i razumnim cijenama, naši kupci nam vjeruju. Tehnologija prikrivanja registarskih tablica zaista pomaže u uštedi vremena, novca i, što je najvažnije, živaca.
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