

Nevada Nanofilm

Anti-radar stickers Nanofilm Ecoslick™

Ultimate solution against radars

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Recorded by

Emma Brown, United States Flag

Recorded by

Emily Johnson, United States Flag

Recorded by

John Doe, United States Flag

Что включает в себя нанопленка?

  • При заказе одной нанопленки вы получаете наклейку с одной цифрой. Вы можете добавить необходимые символы в корзину на сайте.

Что произойдет, если поцарапать нанопленку?

  • Повредить наклейку Ecoslick® довольно сложно, поскольку она прикреплена очень прочно, образуя почти неразрывную связь с номерным знаком. Даже если на ней появятся царапины, камере контроля скорости будет очень сложно определить, какой символ покрыт.

Что происходит с нанопленкой после мытья?

  • Нанопленка Ecoslick не боится мойки, любой автомойки. Пленку практически невозможно оторвать напором воды. Поэтому будьте предельно аккуратны и точны при поклейке.

Нужно ли клеить пленку на задний номерной знак автомобиля?

  • В зависимости от местности камеры контроля скорости могут располагаться в двух направлениях и фиксировать ваш автомобиль с обеих сторон. Мы рекомендуем наклеить пленку с обеих сторон.

Как устанавливается нанопленка Ecoslick®?

  • Наклеивать стикер нужно очень аккуратно, так как изменить положение наклеенной пленки будет невозможно - она плотно прилегает к поверхности номера. Наглядные инструкции вы можете посмотреть на нашей странице.

Сколько символов лучше всего покрыть пленкой?

  • Чем больше символов скрыто под нанопленкой, тем меньше возможностей расшифровать номер по записи камеры. Рекомендуется покрывать символами все передние и задние номерные знаки.

Как долго прослужит нанопленка?

  • Пленка Ecoslick® рассчитана на многолетнюю эксплуатацию, так как создана из прочных, износостойких материалов, рассчитанных на сложные погодные условия, перепады температур и различную степень механического воздействия. Гарантийный срок составляет 5 лет.

В чем разница между инфракрасной и накамерной вспышкой?

  • Инфракрасный свет - это сфокусированные лучи, невидимые человеческому глазу и отличающиеся от яркой вспышки камеры. Именно в инфракрасном спектре работают автоматические камеры контроля скорости. Именно против этого спектра действует пленка Ecoslick®.

Что видит камера при использовании нанопленки?

  • Камера видит только освещенную область, где символы спрятаны под наклейками Ecoslick®, которая сливается с белым фоном. Соответственно, цифровая система не распознает номер и не заносит его в базу данных нарушений ПДД. Штраф выписывать некому!

Работает ли нанопленка в течение дня?

  • Инфракрасные лучи камер слежения работают как днем, так и ночью.

Почему я должен купить ваш продукт?

  • Наша нанопленка Ecoslick® производится в Германии и поэтому является надежной и эффективной. Все номера и символы соответствуют национальным стандартам каждой страны. На рынке можно найти предложения с подозрительно низкой ценой - соответственно, такая пленка не защитит вас от глаз гаишника или просто не подойдет по размеру к вашему номерному знаку.

Step-by-step instructions

Materials Needed:

Alcohol wipes (included in kit)
Nanofilm Ecosllick stickers

Step 1: Clean the License Plate
Use the alcohol wipes provided in the kit to thoroughly clean the surface of the license plate.
Ensure the plate is free from dust, dirt, and grease.
Allow the surface to dry completely.

Step 2: Remove the Sticker from the Paper Backing
Carefully peel the antiradar sticker off its paper backing.
Avoid touching the adhesive side to prevent contamination.

Step 3: Apply the Sticker to the License Plate
Align the sticker with the license plate's desired position.
Gently press the sticker onto the plate, starting from one side and smoothing it out to avoid air bubbles.
Apply even pressure across the entire sticker to ensure a firm bond.

Step 4: Remove the Transparent Mounting Film
Slowly peel off the transparent mounting film from the top of the sticker.
Ensure the antiradar sticker remains securely attached to the license plate.

Important Tips:
Apply the sticker in a dry, dust-free environment.
Avoid washing the vehicle for 24 hours after application for optimal adhesion.

Коллекция: Nevada Nanofilm

Between 2002 and 2005, Nevada's license plates underwent a transformation, reflecting both the beauty and spirit of the state. Featuring a distinctive gradient of deep blue transitioning to desert hues, these state license plates were designed to stand out against Nevada’s bright sunlight and rugged landscapes. Not only did the plates capture the state's personality, but they also became a popular canvas for cool vanity plates, allowing drivers to express their individuality on the open roads. However, with the rise in automated enforcement and surveillance, many Nevada drivers began seeking innovative ways to shield their license information.

Nevada’s license plates - Unique style, practical design

The early 2000s marked a shift in the look of Nevada’s plates, as they became a blend of aesthetics and visibility. Designed to be highly readable in all lighting conditions, these plates aimed to support law enforcement while also showcasing the unique allure of Nevada’s vast deserts. However, with increased use of traffic cameras, privacy concerns emerged, leading drivers to seek protective measures for their license plates.

Ineffective alternatives - Why other products fail?

As Nevada's surveillance technology advanced, so did the demand for privacy solutions. Many drivers turned to options that promised to make their plates undetectable or hard to read by cameras. Here's why these alternatives don’t live up to the hype:

  • Ghost Plates: Marketed as a way to create an invisible license plate, Ghost Plates often lead to legal trouble. While they claim to reflect camera flashes, they don’t consistently perform, leaving drivers exposed to potential fines and law enforcement scrutiny.
  • Cover Plates: These bulky covers promise to shield your plate, but they often degrade under Nevada’s harsh conditions. These so-called hidden license plate covers turn brittle and yellow, becoming more of a liability than a benefit.
  • Antiradar Spray: Sprays that promise protection against radar and cameras usually fall short. This option is illegal and does not provide effective concealment from modern enforcement technologies, risking fines without delivering on its promises.
  • Hidden License Plate Covers: While they may provide some cover, these solutions are clearly visible to the human eye and stand out to law enforcement. Not only are they illegal, but they also do little to obscure your plate from advanced traffic cameras.

All of these alternatives, whether sprays, covers, or Ghost Plates, fail to meet both legal standards and practical needs, leaving Nevada drivers without a real solution.

Nanofilm Ecoslick - The only reliable, legal solution

For those seeking a legitimate way to protect their plates, Nanofilm Ecoslick is the top choice. Here's why it’s a cut above the rest:

  • Completely Legal: Unlike other options that may violate local laws, Nanofilm Ecoslick is fully compliant with Nevada regulations, making it the only safe choice. Say goodbye to legal worries and unexpected fines.
  • Advanced Nano Technology: Utilizing the latest in nanotechnology, the Nanofilm for license plate reduces camera visibility while staying fully transparent to the human eye. It’s an advanced solution that provides discreet, effective protection.
  • Weather-Proof Durability: Built to endure Nevada's intense heat, sunlight, and fluctuating weather, Nanofilm Ecoslick maintains its effectiveness year-round, making it a trustworthy choice for Nevada's unique climate.
  • Simple Application: Unlike other products that require complicated installations or modifications, Nanofilm Ecoslick license plate protection is quick to apply, ensuring that you’re on the road with minimal effort and maximum security.

The challenges Nevada drivers faced 2002-2005

Nevada drivers in the early 2000s faced a growing issue: the rise of automated enforcement and the risk of hefty fines. Traffic cameras were becoming more widespread, and many drivers felt targeted. Frustrated by the sudden surge in surveillance, they began searching for ways to protect their plates while staying within legal boundaries. Many fell for fake promises of antiradar autovelox stickers and sprays, leading to more trouble and disappointment. The need for a reliable, compliant solution became clear—leading to the development of Nanofilm Ecoslick.

Where to Buy Legal plate protection for Nevada?

When it comes to protecting your license plate legally in Nevada, there’s only one choice: Nanofilm Ecoslick. Avoid unreliable and illegal options, and choose the only solution that guarantees protection while adhering to state guidelines. Explore the full selection of number plate film at Alite’s Nevada Collection and see why more Nevada drivers are choosing Nanofilm Ecoslick for their cars.

Nanofilm Ecoslick - Trust the best to stay safe

While other solutions make empty promises, Nanofilm Ecoslick delivers real, reliable results. From the harsh Nevada sun to the advanced detection systems, this nano film stands up to every challenge. Don’t risk heavy fines or complicated legal battles—invest in a product that’s been designed with both privacy and legality in mind. For Nevada drivers, there’s no better option than Nanofilm Ecoslick for true peace of mind.

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