
Nanofilm italiano

Italy 1999

Pegatinas antirradar Nanofilm Ecoslick™

La solución definitiva contra los radares

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Adecuado para


Material Tamaño

80 mm




1999 - present (rear), Embossed

Plano - números y letras planas, los caracteres se imprimen y no tienen volumen

En relieve - números y letras en relieve, los caracteres se extruyen de la superficie de la matrícula

Adecuado para


Material Tamaño

80 mm




1999 - present (rear), Embossed

Plano - números y letras planas, los caracteres se imprimen y no tienen volumen

En relieve - números y letras en relieve, los caracteres se extruyen de la superficie de la matrícula


Recorded by

Emma Brown, United States Flag

Recorded by

Emily Johnson, United States Flag

Recorded by

John Doe, United States Flag

¿Qué incluye la nanopelícula?

  • Cuando pida un nanofilm, recibirá una pegatina de un dígito. Puede añadir los símbolos necesarios a la cesta en el sitio web.

¿Qué ocurre si se raya la nanopelícula?

  • Es bastante difícil dañar la pegatina Ecoslick® porque está adherida muy firmemente, formando un vínculo casi inseparable con la matrícula. Incluso si hay arañazos, será muy difícil para el radar de velocidad determinar qué símbolo está cubierto.

¿Qué le ocurre a la nanopelícula después del lavado?

  • La nanopelícula Ecoslick no teme al lavado, sea cual sea el tipo de lavado. La película es casi imposible de arrancar con la presión del agua. Por lo tanto, sea extremadamente cuidadoso y preciso al pegar.

¿Es necesario poner una película en la matrícula trasera de un coche?

  • Is it necessary to put a film on the rear license plate of a car?

¿Cómo se instala el nanofilm Ecoslick®?

  • La pegatina debe colocarse con mucho cuidado, ya que será imposible cambiar la posición de la lámina pegada: se ajusta firmemente a la superficie del número. Puedes ver instrucciones visuales en nuestra página de montaje.

¿Cuántos símbolos es mejor cubrir con una película?

  • Cuantos más símbolos se oculten bajo el nanofilm, menos oportunidades habrá de descifrar el número a partir de la grabación de la cámara. Se recomienda cubrir todos los símbolos de las matrículas delanteras y traseras.

¿Cuánto duran las nanopelículas?

  • La lámina Ecoslick® está diseñada para muchos años de uso, ya que está creada a partir de materiales duraderos y resistentes al desgaste, diseñados para soportar condiciones climáticas difíciles, cambios de temperatura y diversos grados de impacto mecánico. El periodo de garantía es de 5 años.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un flash de infrarrojos y un flash de cámara?

  • La luz infrarroja son rayos muy concentrados que resultan invisibles para el ojo humano y son diferentes del destello brillante de una cámara. Es en el espectro infrarrojo donde funcionan los radares automáticos. Es contra este espectro contra el que actúa la película Ecoslick®.

¿Qué ve la cámara cuando se utiliza nanofilm?

  • La cámara sólo ve la zona iluminada donde se ocultan los símbolos bajo las pegatinas Ecoslick®, que se confunden con el fondo blanco. En consecuencia, el sistema digital no reconoce el número y no lo registra en la base de datos de infracciones de tráfico. ¡No hay nadie a quien multar!

¿Funciona el nanofilm durante el día?

  • Los haces infrarrojos de los radares fijos funcionan tanto de día como de noche.

¿Por qué debería comprar su producto?

  • Nuestro nanofilm Ecoslick® se fabrica en Alemania, por lo que es fiable y eficaz. Todos los números y símbolos cumplen las normas nacionales de cada país. En el mercado puede encontrar ofertas con un precio sospechosamente bajo; en consecuencia, una película de este tipo no le protegerá de los ojos de un policía de tráfico o simplemente no se ajustará al tamaño de su matrícula.

Instrucciones paso a paso

Materials Needed:

Alcohol wipes (included in kit)
Nanofilm Ecosllick stickers

Step 1: Clean the License Plate
Use the alcohol wipes provided in the kit to thoroughly clean the surface of the license plate.
Ensure the plate is free from dust, dirt, and grease.
Allow the surface to dry completely.

Step 2: Remove the Sticker from the Paper Backing
Carefully peel the antiradar sticker off its paper backing.
Avoid touching the adhesive side to prevent contamination.

Step 3: Apply the Sticker to the License Plate
Align the sticker with the license plate's desired position.
Gently press the sticker onto the plate, starting from one side and smoothing it out to avoid air bubbles.
Apply even pressure across the entire sticker to ensure a firm bond.

Step 4: Remove the Transparent Mounting Film
Slowly peel off the transparent mounting film from the top of the sticker.
Ensure the antiradar sticker remains securely attached to the license plate.

Important Tips:
Apply the sticker in a dry, dust-free environment.
Avoid washing the vehicle for 24 hours after application for optimal adhesion.

Recopilación: Italy 1999

On Italian roads, 1999 was a time of change. Traffic control technology was just beginning to gain momentum, but the first steps towards comprehensive tracking systems were already being laid down. At that time, license plates had their own unique style and status. Today, drivers face new challenges to stay on the road without unnecessary fines, and one of the key solutions is anti-radar stickers from Alite Ecoslick.

Italy 1999 is all about automotive symbolism and aesthetics. License plates from this period are more than just a set of numbers and letters - they are part of history. However, with the development of cameras and radar systems, these classic license plates have come under scrutiny from police and traffic control authorities. Drivers who value the originality of their old cars are faced with a new reality where their every pass under the camera can be costly.

The solution? Nanofilm Ecoslick, an innovative protection specifically designed for such cases. A subtle but powerful technology that turns your license plate into an invisible license plate for radar and cameras, without compromising its vintage aesthetic.

Why do 1999 license plates require special protection?

  • Retro Design: 1999 license plates were created in an era when traffic laws were much less stringent. Today's technology aims to recognize these older formats, making them vulnerable to modern cameras.
  • Increased fines: In Italy, speed cameras are becoming more and more accurate every year and the fines are becoming more and more significant. In one year, the amount of fines can add up to a sum that is comparable to the support of your classic car.
  • Collector's Value: Classic cars with original license plates are not just vehicles. They are collectibles that require special care. But how do you preserve their historic appearance without breaking the law?

The answer is simple - nanofilm ecoslick license plate. This unique film preserves the style and aesthetics of your retro license plate while making it invisible to security cameras.

Alite Ecoslick Technology - Invisibility without compromise

Nanofilm Ecoslick is the result of years of research and development. This thin nano film is applied to the license plate and makes it invisible to radar. Security cameras will not be able to capture your license plate, but it remains fully visible to inspectors and other road users.

Advantages of nanofilm for license plates:

  • Protection from modern radar: Your car will remain in the shadow for automatic systems.
  • Easy installation: The film is applied in minutes, with no visible changes to the license plate.
  • Total safety: Alite Ecoslick complies with all laws, giving you peace of mind on the road.

Legality and freedom on the road

Owners of cars with 1999 license plates should realize that modern inspection technology may not always be correct. Retro license plates were created in a different reality when rules and standards were different. Therefore, it is important to think about protecting your rights and safety on the road. Antiradar stickers from Alite Ecoslick give you the opportunity to maintain your independence without breaking the law.

Why it's important?

  • Protecting your collector value: Old cars are not just a means of transportation. They're part of your life, your style. 1999 license plates should be protected.
  • Avoid errors of automatic systems: Inspection cameras often make mistakes when recognizing retro license plates, resulting in false fines.
  • Maintain uniqueness: Antiradar autovelox stickers maintain the aesthetics of your license plate without turning it into a target for radar.

How to apply nanofilm ecoslick to Italian license plates from 1999?

The nanofilm ecoslick installation process is incredibly simple, making it accessible to all drivers:

  1. Clean the surface of the license plate with a soft cloth, removing dust and dirt.
  2. Carefully apply the license plate film to the license plate, avoiding air bubbles.
  3. Check the application evenly, making sure the film adheres tightly to the entire surface of the license plate.

Now you are ready to travel the roads of Italy without fear of cameras.

Radar protection with Alite Ecoslick

Owning a car with a 1999 license plate is a privilege and a responsibility. Thanks to Alite Ecoslick, you can preserve the uniqueness and value of your car while protecting it from modern challenges. Choose nanofilm ecoslick license plate for total confidence on the roads and preserving historical authenticity.

No compromises - just style, safety and freedom on the road.

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