Anti-radar stickers Nanofilm Ecoslick™
Ultimate solution against radars
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Recorded by
Emma Brown, United States

Recorded by
Emily Johnson, United States

Recorded by
John Doe, United States
Что включает в себя нанопленка?
- При заказе одной нанопленки вы получаете наклейку с одной цифрой. Вы можете добавить необходимые символы в корзину на сайте.
Что произойдет, если поцарапать нанопленку?
- Повредить наклейку Ecoslick® довольно сложно, поскольку она прикреплена очень прочно, образуя почти неразрывную связь с номерным знаком. Даже если на ней появятся царапины, камере контроля скорости будет очень сложно определить, какой символ покрыт.
Что происходит с нанопленкой после мытья?
- Нанопленка Ecoslick не боится мойки, любой автомойки. Пленку практически невозможно оторвать напором воды. Поэтому будьте предельно аккуратны и точны при поклейке.
Нужно ли клеить пленку на задний номерной знак автомобиля?
- В зависимости от местности камеры контроля скорости могут располагаться в двух направлениях и фиксировать ваш автомобиль с обеих сторон. Мы рекомендуем наклеить пленку с обеих сторон.
Как устанавливается нанопленка Ecoslick®?
- Наклеивать стикер нужно очень аккуратно, так как изменить положение наклеенной пленки будет невозможно - она плотно прилегает к поверхности номера. Наглядные инструкции вы можете посмотреть на нашей странице.
Сколько символов лучше всего покрыть пленкой?
- Чем больше символов скрыто под нанопленкой, тем меньше возможностей расшифровать номер по записи камеры. Рекомендуется покрывать символами все передние и задние номерные знаки.
Как долго прослужит нанопленка?
- Пленка Ecoslick® рассчитана на многолетнюю эксплуатацию, так как создана из прочных, износостойких материалов, рассчитанных на сложные погодные условия, перепады температур и различную степень механического воздействия. Гарантийный срок составляет 5 лет.
В чем разница между инфракрасной и накамерной вспышкой?
- Инфракрасный свет - это сфокусированные лучи, невидимые человеческому глазу и отличающиеся от яркой вспышки камеры. Именно в инфракрасном спектре работают автоматические камеры контроля скорости. Именно против этого спектра действует пленка Ecoslick®.
Что видит камера при использовании нанопленки?
- Камера видит только освещенную область, где символы спрятаны под наклейками Ecoslick®, которая сливается с белым фоном. Соответственно, цифровая система не распознает номер и не заносит его в базу данных нарушений ПДД. Штраф выписывать некому!
Работает ли нанопленка в течение дня?
- Инфракрасные лучи камер слежения работают как днем, так и ночью.
Почему я должен купить ваш продукт?
- Наша нанопленка Ecoslick® производится в Германии и поэтому является надежной и эффективной. Все номера и символы соответствуют национальным стандартам каждой страны. На рынке можно найти предложения с подозрительно низкой ценой - соответственно, такая пленка не защитит вас от глаз гаишника или просто не подойдет по размеру к вашему номерному знаку.
Step-by-step instructions
Materials Needed:
Alcohol wipes (included in kit)
Nanofilm Ecosllick stickers
Step 1: Clean the License Plate
Use the alcohol wipes provided in the kit to thoroughly clean the surface of the license plate.
Ensure the plate is free from dust, dirt, and grease.
Allow the surface to dry completely.
Step 2: Remove the Sticker from the Paper Backing
Carefully peel the antiradar sticker off its paper backing.
Avoid touching the adhesive side to prevent contamination.
Step 3: Apply the Sticker to the License Plate
Align the sticker with the license plate's desired position.
Gently press the sticker onto the plate, starting from one side and smoothing it out to avoid air bubbles.
Apply even pressure across the entire sticker to ensure a firm bond.
Step 4: Remove the Transparent Mounting Film
Slowly peel off the transparent mounting film from the top of the sticker.
Ensure the antiradar sticker remains securely attached to the license plate.
Important Tips:
Apply the sticker in a dry, dust-free environment.
Avoid washing the vehicle for 24 hours after application for optimal adhesion.

Коллекция: Georgia (2012 - 1 Square)
In the heart of the Peach State, where the roads wind through charming towns and vibrant cities, Georgia license plates tell a story of their own. These colorful tags, adorned with the state’s iconic symbols, are more than just a requirement—they represent identity, pride, and the freedom of the open road. Yet, for many drivers, these plates also present a challenge: the risk of receiving costly speeding tickets from hidden speed cameras. This concern has prompted a rising interest in innovative solutions that not only protect wallets but also enhance driving experiences.
The Advantages of Antiradar Stickers - Essential Protection for Drivers
Every driver understands the anxiety that accompanies unexpected speeding tickets, especially on the busy roads of Georgia where hidden speed cameras are everywhere. These fines can be financially draining and lead to constant stress, leaving you worried about receiving another ticket at any moment. Thankfully, antiradar stickers offer a revolutionary solution to this ongoing issue, providing peace of mind for drivers. With the innovative nanofilm Ecoslick, these stickers ensure your license plate is effectively shielded from detection, transforming your driving experience.
Key Advantages of Antiradar Stickers Addressing Customer Pain Points:
- Eliminating the Fear of Unexpected Tickets: One of the biggest worries for drivers is getting caught by hidden speed cameras. With nanofilm for license plate, your vehicle’s registration becomes nearly invisible to speed detection systems. This means you can drive confidently without the nagging fear of receiving unexpected fines that disrupt your life.
- Reducing Financial Strain: The burden of sudden fines can hit your wallet hard, leading to unexpected financial strain. By using antiradar stickers, you significantly lower the chances of incurring these fines. This protection alleviates the stress associated with unplanned expenses, allowing you to keep your hard-earned money where it belongs—in your pocket.
- Consistent Protection at All Times: Drivers often feel anxious about when and where they might encounter speed cameras. Our nanofilm Ecoslick license plate provides reliable protection both day and night. Whether you’re navigating busy streets during daylight or driving through dimly lit areas at night, these stickers ensure your number plate remains protected, letting you focus on driving rather than worrying about hidden threats.
- Simplifying Installation and Use: Many drivers hesitate to adopt new solutions due to concerns about complicated installations. Fortunately, applying number plate film is straightforward. Simply stick it on your license plate and quickly test its effectiveness. Use your smartphone with a flash to take a picture; if the sticker works correctly, your plate will be barely visible. This easy verification provides reassurance that your investment in protection is effective.
- Assurance of Durability: Concerns about product reliability, especially in various weather conditions, can be a significant pain point. Our antiradar autovelox stickers are built for long-lasting use and can withstand diverse environmental challenges. You can trust that they will maintain their effectiveness over time, protecting you from fines regardless of the driving conditions.
By leveraging the advanced technology of invisible license plate solutions from Alite Ecoslick, you’re investing in a smarter way to shield yourself from traffic fines while enhancing your overall driving experience. Don’t let the fear of unexpected tickets hang over your head—choose nanofilm Ecoslick and drive with confidence, free from the burden of financial worry!
The Functionality of Antiradar Stickers - Day and Night
One of the standout capabilities of Alite Ecoslick is its seamless operation at any time, regardless of the season or hour. Whether you’re cruising down a sunlit Georgia highway or navigating through the gentle glow of streetlights at night, our antiradar stickers provide unwavering performance. Thanks to the cutting-edge nanofilm technology embedded in our products, your license plate is consistently shielded from detection, no matter the circumstances.
When you select nanofilm Ecoslick, you’re investing in a solution designed to enhance your driving experience. Our antiradar stickers tirelessly work to thwart unnecessary tickets, freeing you from the financial strain that traffic violations can impose. This means you can keep your focus firmly on the road ahead without the anxiety of looming fines.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nanofilm Ecoslick
Curious about how effectively our nanofilm for license plate operates? Testing its performance is incredibly straightforward! All you need is a smartphone with a flash. Capture an image of your license plate, whether it’s during the bright day or under the cover of night, using the flash feature. If the sticker is functioning as intended, you’ll notice a substantial reduction in visibility, confirming its protective capability against detection. This simple assessment not only provides peace of mind but also highlights the impressive effectiveness of our innovative solution.
Where to Purchase Antiradar Stickers for Georgia License Plates?
Ready to enhance your driving experience with our state-of-the-art antiradar stickers? You can easily find our specially crafted antiradar autovelox stickers for Georgia license plates, including the 2012 model.
In a world where technology continues to evolve at lightning speed, staying ahead is essential. With Alite Ecoslick’s antiradar stickers, drivers in Georgia can drive confidently, knowing their license plates are shielded from unwanted scrutiny. Embrace the future of driving protection and revel in the freedom of the open road without the weight of fines. Make the smart choice and invest in nanofilm Ecoslick to drive boldly today!
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